One Bright Side to a Failed Pregnancy Test For Couples Hoping to Have a Baby
Many couples anxiously look forward with eager anticipation to the day they see those double lines on their early pregnancy test strip that declare: you are pregnant! A woman may be experiencing symptoms that suggest that good news is around the corner, and a strip is a simple way to get a strong indication before getting a more reliable exam from her doctor.
Disappointment sets in when a couple has been trying to conceive for some time only have the indicator come up negative. While the news can be disheartening for couples seeking to start a family, there is a bright side. It’s not too late to make important decisions that can impact the family for years.
It’s Not Too Late!
It’s human nature to take on and think about issues as they enter our radar screen. Starting a family takes some thought and planning that goes beyond are we pregnant? An important example is insurance purchases. For most insurance needs you must purchase your policy before you wreck the car, before wind blows the roof off your house, before you get sick or hurt, and for growing families it’s before getting pregnant.
The bright side of a negative result is a wake up call to get the right insurance coverage in place without wasting anymore time. While we all expect and hope that having a baby will be a happy health experience, but not all pregnancies work out that way. Twenty five percent of women will experience one or more complications, and twelve percent of babies are born pre-term, and may have serious medical issues.
Pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition by most health insurance policies. You must have the right coverage in force before you are blessed by conception. Make sure your primary health insurance plan covers normal maternity, as many do not. You may have to purchase a maternity rider plan that may come with a long waiting period, or has a large deductible.
Think About Paying All Your Bills
Another important consideration is making payments on your mortgage, car, and credit cards. Adding another family member adds to expenses, and these costs tend to escalate just when mom needs to stop working to deliver her baby. Paying extra bills when one income disappears may be a struggle for many couples.
In the U.S. most women take an unpaid maternity leave. Some are lucky to work for employers with a paid leave policy, but this is rare. A bigger group of women work in one of five large states with mandated state disability plans which replace a portion of income during maternity leave. Even those that do have state plans find holes: New York only pays a miserly $170 per week.
The remaining couples need to purchase a private short term disability policy prior to seeing those double lines on their test. Normal childbirth is covered when delivery occurs nine months after the policy effective date. Those with state plans can supplement their income replacement.
Get coverage before your next trip to the pharmacy.